Thursday, October 28, 2010


I have a lot of time to think at work right now as I finish up some gigantic constituent imports.  I’m at the stage now where I only have to push a button occasionally while the computer does the heavy lifting, but since my database is hard at work, I can’t use it to do any other tasks.  Thus, extensive article-reading, dreaming, and blog-stalking.

I’ve been following Elizabeth Hartman’s book The Practical Guide to Patchwork on its blog tour, entering a giveaway every day hoping to win a copy (if not, it will sit atop my Christmas list).  Today, I read a brief interview in which she talked about inspiration for quilt patterns and I thought about what inspires me when I design a quilt.  Most quilts I’ve made have been as gifts and the inspiration for them comes from the person I make them for.  I’m especially proud of my patchy Texas Flag quilt I made for Brian and the bright yet warm exotic floral quilt I made for Crystal.

However, such inspiration mostly affects fabric choices while I rely on books or blogs for actual block layouts.  As I read, I found myself wishing I were better at creativity.  I often feel that way.  I perform well when given guidelines, but I struggle in making up my own guidelines.  This applies to quilting and other types of sewing, but also to music and to cooking, and even how I enact my faith.

I recently read Shane Claiborne’s Jesus for President (again) and was reminded that Jesus lived his life finding unexpected solutions to the many problems humanity faces living in a broken system.  How many times did He say, “You have heard it said…but I say to you”?  And when was anyone with Him and say, "I totally saw that coming"?  I want to be more creative as I discover solutions to life’s big questions that stem from the values of the Kingdom.  Yes, I’m sure it will be difficult and probably uncomfortable, but I am motivated, and by no means do I think that all answers and options have been established yet.

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