I want to be a better blogger. My blogging has been sparse and dull lately, and I think I know how to spice it up. Most who know us know that Josh
looooooves Tulsa. After living here for a year, I think it’s great too! It has lots of parks and trees, beautiful art deco buildings downtown, and some pretty cool stuff to do. Since this may be our last year here, Josh and I have decided to make the most of the city and do all the “Tulsa” things. I will then post a helpful review of the event, restaurant, or shop on my blog. Helpful to whom? I’ll figure that out later. So without further adieu, I give you:
The Porter Peach Festival
We went on Saturday, July 18, because that was the day they gave away free peaches and ice cream, which were delicious! Porter is only about a half hour drive for us and very easy to get to. The town isn’t quite equipped to handle the influx of traffic for the festival, so the intersections (all stop signs) got rather backed up. We paid $5 to park in the first available yard and walked past all the cars waiting to drive the 3 blocks to closer parking. The festival is pretty small, but the free peaches were delicious, the booths were fun to look at, and they had lots of places to sit and enjoy your fair food. There was a country band playing that was pretty good. Their sound was balanced and everyone was good at their instrument, so it was nice to sit and listen to their cover songs. An hour and a half is plenty of time to see all there is to see and go through the free peaches line (twice).
Best: Free peaches and ice cream, of course! Also, you can bring your dog (we didn’t know, poor Ada)!
Worst:There were actually no peaches for sale at the PEACH Festival. We didn’t bother driving to the nearby orchard where they were sold, but my friend Susan did and brought some to work for me. It turns out they are yummy!
Smitty’s Western Store
We went through Coweta on the way back from the Peach Festival, and stopped by Smitty’s to look at boots. Josh and I are getting each other cowboy boots for our anniversary since the third year is the leather gift year. They had more boy boots than girl boots, but since they had exactly what I wanted for 75% off, the smaller selection was okay with me. I mostly wanted to mention them because the lady was so nice and helpful and really fun to talk to. Plus, what a deal! Thanks Smitty’s!