Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Life Nowadays

Josh gets up a little after 5am to get ready and go to work.  I get up at 6:30 to do the same.  My trip to work includes an hour on the Max and bus to get to the Red Cross.  Work is uneventful (for me at least, Josh's day is probably more bloggable than gift entry and database cleanup).  I try to use my twice daily hour commutes as a Trimet passenger wisely: reading, crocheting, working my Tulsa job, etc.  I get home around 6 and bide my time until Josh gets home at 7ish.  We then have two hours until he goes to bed and I work for an hour on whatever crafty project I need to complete next.  That's right folks, we spend 2-3 hours in each others' company per day.  Of course, it is less than that if he is on call and doesn't come home in the evening at all, which happens about once a week.  Weekends are glorious and we have 48 beautiful hours to work in the garden, go to Portland's many festivals, and take advantage of all the outdoor fun at our fingertips.  Except when he's on weekend call - like this weekend.

I'm not trying to be Complains McGee over here, I just thought a little sketch of this new life would be interesting to do.  Compared to his last year of medical school, where he had tons of free time and we both worked about 7 minutes from our house and could have lunch together anytime, it's a big change!  This daily routine won't last forever, in fact it will get better each year he's a resident, and we are looking forward to life after residency when he can set his hours more reasonably.  In the meantime, though, we appreciate having at least those two hours a day - happy fourth anniversary, Dr. Reese!  Thank you for spending your free time with me, I enjoy your company in life.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

One day this will be a beautiful memory of how you treasured each other on a tight schedule. Happy anniversary - here's to many more.