Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Orange Spiced Tea

I'm at work and no one else is here yet. That means I have nothing to do, since my job is to assist - and there's no one to assist.
So, I've tried to think of things to write about, and since Thanksgiving is tomorrow I am going to list a few things (in no particular order) I am thankful for:

1. Orange Spiced Tea that my mom makes
2. Mom and Dad, who send me packages with Orange Spiced Tea
3. My perfectly matched husband who lets me switch back and forth between "Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown" and "Nova"
4. A good job with a good boss who values family time and gives me days off for it
5. Pandora Radio (
6. Having family and friends nearby to eat with and laugh with
7. God, who is patient with me when I am thick-headed

So, that's all for now! Enjoy your family and friends wherever you are, and most of all, remember to enjoy the presence of the Lord.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Speeding Up a Slow Day

I thought maybe a blog would spice up my work day. So in honor of my first post, I will tell a work story.
Yesterday, a man came to have a meeting with my boss. Part of my job is to make small talk in the office so clients don't notice how long they're kept waiting. Usually, it's my favorite part because I think people are interesting. Anyway, this man and I were chatting about Josh being in medical school and how he has to study a lot. And then the man said, "Do you know what helped me in college when I had to study? Speed." This man must have been in his mid to late fifties, by the way. He went on, "Oh, I'd take speed when I needed to focus, and get through material faster." He just chatted casually about it. To me, a complete stranger. I had no idea what to say. Especially to a man so close to senior citizenship. I think I said something like, "Once I drank too much coffee the night before a test and couldn't fall asleep." Oh goodness, we found one of the few topics I can't scrape a conversation out of.
Well, my first blog was neither deep nor meaningful, but I hope it was at least entertaining. I'm glad that it got me through a little part of a slow work day.